Sunday 27 November 2011

Occupy Advent

UPDATE - This event has been confirmed. We'll meet at the corner of Jasper and 102 st at 5:45 for the short service.

The backdrop of a previously occupied and evicted lot will serve to illustrate the current struggle between the forces of oppression and the Force of Justice and time our waiting for a promise of hope during the season of Christmas.

The short service will be officiated by Reverend Thomas Brauer, and will include a candle lighting, scripture reading, reflection, prayer, and communion.

This is an outreach event by Occupy to the Christian community of Edmonton. Occupy is an open-faith community, and this segment of that community welcomes anyone to attend and participate to whatever degree they wish.


2000 years ago, Jesus was born to a people oppressed, in exile, occupied by a foreign empire.

During the season of Advent, the month leading up to Christmas, people all over the world remember those people who waited for a Messiah with a message of hope, justice, and life for the poor and oppressed.

Today, we continue to wait for the new earth that Jesus taught about, the just and beautiful earth that will be inherited by the meek.

Occupy invites you to remember with us that change is coming and that a new world is possible in four Advent observances each Wednesday leading up to Christmas.

Services will be officiated by Reverend Thomas Brauer, and will include a candle lighting, scripture reading, prayer, and sharing of communion. All people of all faiths are welcome to come and simply attend or participate in any portion of these elements to whatever degree they wish.

Services will be held just outside the Occupy Lot on Jasper and 102st from 5:45-6:15.

Friday 25 November 2011

Shawn's Story from Occupy Edmonton

My name is Shawn. I am the beardish one in the picture. The cute one is my daughter, Grace.

I am a pastor of a neighbourhood church in Edmonton, Alberta.

I have been part of the Occupy community since it began. In the last forty-two days I have cooked and eaten with campers, helped clean up the camp, joined several General Assemblies and workshops, and done my best to be an encouraging presence however I am able amongst these people that I love.

I have also stayed at the camp with members of my church, who have also come to love the community here.

I believe that God wants this world to be a more just and peaceful place. I believe that the seeds and sprouts of the kingdom of heaven are growing all over this world. I believe that Jesus is creating a new world through his people. I preach this every Sunday, but what I believe is seen more truly in what I do than what I claim.

I want to cooperate with and lend my voice to any people or person with the passion and desire to leave this world more beautiful than they entered it. I pray for Occupy Edmonton.


Please pray for Shawn.

Please pray for Occupy Edmonton.

Brandon's Story from Occupy Edmonton

This is Brandon. The little one is named Elijah James.

Brandon is another supporter of Occupy who does not live at the camp. He works at a local grocery store, and frequently comes by Occupy with bags of the rejected produce and baking that would otherwise be wasted. Brandon loves the community of Occupy and prays always for them.

Please pray for Brandon. Please pray with Brandon for Occupy Edmonton.

Gabriel's Story From Occupy

This is Gabriel.

Gabriel is a strong centre of encouragement and humour at camp. He works hard daily to maintain the safety of the camp, often staying up all night to see the community remains secure.

His generosity, kindness, and blunt honesty are greatly appreciated by his friends.

Please pray for Gabriel. Please Pray for Occupy.

Devon Washing Occupy's Dishes

This is Devon. From the very beginning of the Occupy movement, Devon has worked hard serving the community by cooking and serving food and washing dishes in the outdoor kitchen every day. Visitors to Occupy looking for Devon can usually assume that if he was present at camp, he was probably hard at work for the community he loves.

We love and appreciate you, Devon.

They say "Everyone wants a revolution, but no one wants to do the dishes". You show us that isn't true. Thanks for your part in making this world a more loving and hospitable place.


Please pray for Occupy.

Please pray for Devon.

Jennifer's Story from the Occupy Movement

My name is Jennifer Roach. I work as a legal assistant in downtown Edmonton.

I am not actually a camper here; however I am a supporter of the movement. I am on the communications workgroup with Occupy Edmonton and come to the camp on my lunch and breaks at work since I work near the camp. I like to talk to the people there and share ideas about the changes we can make to build a better world.

I would like to see a world where the people are more involved in the everyday decisions that affect them, and one whose political representatives make decisions based only on the common good, not on how it will help fund them next election.

I would like to see a world that has a higher standard of living percentage, whereby it increases at a higher rate than the cost of living.

I would like to see a world that cares more for the people and the earth itself.

I believe in a viable, wholesome world for our next generation to live in. It is up to us to protect their future because if we don’t, who will?


Please pray for Jennifer. Please pray for Occupy.

Monday 21 November 2011

Eric's Story from Occupy Edmonton

Every person who makes up a part of the global Occupy movement is unique. Here is Eric telling his story of Occupy from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

Please pray for Eric. Please pray for Occupy.

Thursday 17 November 2011

Mo's Story from the Occupy Movement

My name is Mohammad. I've been part of Occupy Edmonton for over three weeks now. There's always a lot of work to do at the camp to help keep the camp going.

I stay at the camp and work to build the community here because I want to live in a world that is different. I want to live in a world where people take care of each other and help each other. I want a world like that for me kids one day, when I have them.

Please pray for Mohammad.

Please pray for Occupy.

Photo by Aaron Vanimere

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Agape's Story from the Occupy Movement

Photo by Aaron Vanimere
Faith without deeds is dead - James 2:26

This is Agape. Like many of the social activist in the Occupy movement, she has received threats from people outside the camp for her involvement in the movement. This is why she doesn't want to show her face on the Internet.

But she wants to tell us her story.

What do you want to be called?


What do you do in Occupy Edmonton?

"I'm pretty busy here most of the time. I work in the kitchen sometimes, cooking meals for other campers. I pick up garbage and straighten up tents. Right now I'm working as a marshal and a medic. That's two roles. I do whatever needs to be done.

What is a marshal?

"That means I'm working to keep the camp secure and safe. I wear this orange vest, and keep an eye on who's in the park and what they're up to. The marshal is also the person people usually come talk to first."

Why are you part of Occupy?

"I've been camping here for a couple of weeks now. I believe the world can change, and I want to help make a difference.

I want to live in a world where people can ride the bus or go downtown and not still feel like their alone even when they're surrounded by people."

Please pray for Agape.
Please pray for Occupy.

Occupy Edmonton Loves You

Occupy Edmonton Photos
Aaron Vanimere, Photographer
October 2011

Please pray for Occupy Edmonton

Colton's Story from the Occupy Movement

Every person who makes up a part of the global Occupy movement is unique. Here is Colton telling his story of Occupy from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

Please pray for Colton. Please pray for Occupy.

Monday 7 November 2011

Churches too silent on greed of big corporations

(Click Here To Link To the Article)

A thoughtful article by Stephen T. Berg of Hope Mission here in Edmonton, Alberta.

He challenges the church to be more discerning of the spirits of corporations.

Stories of the people of Occupy Edmonton will be coming soon (probably by Thursday). Please keep checking back here. Please keep praying for Occupy.