Sunday 30 October 2011

Welcome to We Pray for Occupy

As of yesterday, consensus was reached by the community of Occupy Edmonton for us to reach out to the Christian community and churches of Edmonton for prayer and support.

We will update this page frequently with prayer requests and practical needs of the Occupy community.

Please spread the word widely about this page. Please pray. Please encourage others to pray.

Thursday 27 October 2011

The Proposal

Hey Occupy Edmonton,

Much love.

My name is Shawn. I have been enabled by my Christian community to make this communication and proposal.

First of all, we are already praying for you. Thankyou for your efforts.

In cooperation with the outreach or communications pod, and with the permission of the community, we would like to use our voices in the Christian community to reach out to those who may be ideologically in support of your efforts, though culturally quite separated. We believe that, if given the opportunity and help to do so, there could be many allies within the church community towards your goals.

To reach out to them, we would begin with a "Pray for Occupy" blog. On this blog, we would communicate to the Christian community what your prayer requests are first, and your practical needs second. When people pray, their hearts are changed, and the objects of their prayer are humanized. We think this could go a long way toward softening hearts in the Christian community.

This blog as you see it is only a suggestion for your approval. We wish to respect your consensus organizing, and communicate only according to how you enable us.

The second part of the proposal would be to open a "prayer solidarity" tent in the personal tent area. This would serve as another bridge to those outside of the common "activist organizer" culture. In the tent would be a prayer journal, and art supplies for spiritual expression. We would encourage visitors to attend the GA to help get to know the community, and better communicate with God that evening, and with their Christian friends the next day.

We have already spoken to people in (an Edmonton church)*, asking if they would be interested in joining us in outreaching the Christian community. The response was positive, and they are now only waiting for us to get back to them with your answer as to what you need or want. (Another church)* may also have allies within it.

Please consider these proposals, and let us know how you feel.

God bless,


On behalf of (our church)*

*The names of these churches are on the listserv, but I'd rather wait for the proposal to go through before listing them publicly here. I can send the names privately to anyone who is interested.